2 min read

Brooklyn Children’s Museum

This is a children’s museum located in Crown Heights, Brooklyn.

Founded in 1899, it is the first children’s museum in the United States

– and according to some, the first one worldwide.

It has amazing architecture with kids & families on mind.

Staff is very welcoming and helpful.

Museum covers crazy amount of things to explore.

There is many programs you can get involved.

There is a section separated for smaller kids.

Kids are so excited about this place we recommend to everyone to visit.

Many times we saw parents are hesitant on the beginning to play but very soon you can find them getting loose and relaxed with kids.

Awesome ideas and concepts is what making this museum so strong.

Museum building is big enough to accommodate so many things and so far is doing so well.

BCM offer many exhibitions, showcasing cultures and touching ground with ‘simple things’ from our lives like grocery store or bus. These things are the most attractive to children and while giving them opportunity to explore they learn. These are the most attractive exhibits btw!?

Museum in large stimulating children involvement in everything they see.

Kids as quick learners understand world better which making them better people in the future.

You know you want to :D
