4 min read

10 Tips for Smart Black Friday Shopping

In Brooklyn & For Brooklynites

Brooklyn shoppers — whether you’re visiting for Thanksgiving or live in Brooklyn — you have more than a few choices. Brooklyn is one of the best places to shop for Black Friday deals! You can go to the local Brooklyn stores and malls, which offer a good selection or, head to Long Island. Whatever your decision, for productive and financial gratification you have to be prepared. Gear up, get ready for the money to drop!

Try to get Friday off work

Thanksgiving Thursday is a federal holiday, and public and private schools are closed on Friday. Still, many people including healthcare providers, retail sales clerks and restaurant workers will have to report into work on the day after Thanksgiving. So if you’re hoping to get big bargains on Black Friday this year, arrange beforehand to get that day off work. Note: In 2013, some Top Chain Stores Open Thanksgiving Day if for some reason you cannot get the day off, you can give thanks by shopping on Thanks Giving Night.  

Scope it out first

You can’t be in two places at once, alas. Will you go to an individual store, like Century 21, or a mall? In Brooklyn, New York, you’ve got a growing choice of malls: the Atlantic Center Mall? Kings Plaza? Macy’s and the stores in the Fulton Mall? Or Gateway Mall?

Avoid impulse purchases

The best way to do this is to make a shopping list before you set out, with some idea of what you want to pay for each item–and stick to it. When there’s a shopping frenzy all around you, having a list in hand is the best way to avoid making purchases you’ll regret later. It also helps you juggle for the best offers if you are not seeing exactly what you wanted.


the most expensive items first. You won’t be able to get everything on your list, so you might as well save the most money on the largest items.

Make sure your credit or debit card is ready for Black Friday shopping.

There’s nothing worse, or more embarrassing, than standing in line for an hour only to discover that your credit card isn’t accepting the charge. Even worse can be that they do not accept your type of credit card. Do some research and carry verifiable ID.  You might want to use a pre-paid card to avoid overdraft fees as a result of budget miscalculations during your shopping fever!  Plus,  it is safer to carry than cash because if it is lost or stolen, you can put a block on it so no one can use your funds.  The after shopping headache of that huge credit card bill can also be avoided to recession proof your shopping experience. Did you know that you can pay with PayPal in the store?

Decisions, decisions: Are you a solo shopper? Or do you like company?

For some, the motto “he who travels lone travels fastest” applies to shopping. Others like to bring their spouse, sister or friend. If you’ve got your eye on two very different big ticket items, like a TV and also a car, then you might need to enlist your family members or friends to help shop so you can get the best bargains early. If you’ve got young children, it’s wise to leave them with a babysitter; this is heavy-duty shopping, and kids won’t find it all that much fun

Be prepared to wait outside or in.

Wear comfy shoes, travel light and bring a snack and a bottle of water. Wear weather-appropriate clothes, like a jacket or rain coat if you’re going to get to the store super early and wait in line outside. Wear super comfortable shoes, too — and outer wear that won’t be bulky if you end up taking it off inside an overheated, crowded store. Bring snacks like an apple or energy bar, a bottle of water, and your patience. Lines can be long

Work out your transportation:

Figure out how you’re going to get to the store, and back. If you’re going very early, check the mass transit schedules or the parking situation. If you plan to buy a huge item, like TV, either drive or have the phone number of a car service handy. Note that it is a Holiday so proper planning will help you avoid Holiday high rate charges from unmarked taxi drivers.

Charge your cell phone

or smart phone the day before so you can stay connected. Did you know that you can pay with PayPal in the store?

Even if you don't arrive 8 pm Thanksgiving night, try to get there as early as you can.

Some stores have limited quantities on the best bargains. Some end their sales when you might normally be enjoying your second cup of morning coffee. As the saying goes, the early bird gets the worm.

Stay home instead!

Have a bagel, stay in your pjs, and shop online.


Tip: Some experts suggest that consumers can buy an item in advance, and then bring it with the receipt to adjust the price on Black Friday. This strategy carries the obvious risk that the stores will say no.

Black Friday is the retailers’ way of enticing shoppers to start spending for the big Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa season. Happy hunting!


You know you want to :D
